GPAT/NIPER Questions 1st Nov 2018 (Notes) -


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GPAT/NIPER Questions 1st Nov 2018 (Notes)

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Question No.1
The label for Schedule X drugs should contain the symbol  
(a) XRx
(b) Rx       
(c) NRx
(d) RMP 

Question no.2
Penalty for using government analyst's report for advertisement purpose is ……… 
(a) Rs. 5000
(b) Rs. 500
(c) Rs.10,000
(d) Rs.100 

Question no.3
List of poisonous substances under Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha systems of medicines is given under the Schedule …………. 
(a) B
(b) C
(c) D

Question no.4
The drug samples collector by the drug inspector are sent for analysis to ……….. 
(a) Drug Controller
(b) Government Analyst 
(c) Central drugs Laboratory
(d) Central Research Institute 

Question no. 5
Manufactured drugs can be imported into India only under the authorization of ……..
(a) Central Government
(b) DIAB 
(c) Narcotics Commissioner
(d) Customs Collector