GPAT/NIPER Questions & Answers 09th Nov 2018 (Notes) -


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GPAT/NIPER Questions & Answers 09th Nov 2018 (Notes)

Friday, November 9, 2018

Question No.1
Which of the following is an anti-metabolite
(a) Methotrexate
(b) Cyclosporine
(c) Etoposide
(d) Vinblastine

Question no.2
The new drug pemetrexed useful in breast cancer belongs to which of the following category of the drugs 
(a) Antitumor agent
(b) Alkylating agent
(c) Hormonal agent
(d) Anti metabolite

Question no.3
Pemetrexed is drug of choice for
(a) Small cell carcinoma
(b) Mesothelioma
(c) None small cell carcinoma
(d) Breast cancer

Question no.4
Most common chemo used in Epithelial Ovarian cancers
(a) Paclitaxel
(b) Dactinomycin
(c) Cyclophosphamide
(d) Methotrexate 

Question no.5
Which antineoplastic is cell cycle s phase inhibitor
(a) Vincristine
(b) 5FU
(c) Paclitaxel
(d) Cyclophosphamide