GPAT/NIPER Questions & Answers 17th Dec 2018 (Notes) -


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GPAT/NIPER Questions & Answers 17th Dec 2018 (Notes)

Monday, December 17, 2018

 Question no.1
In paper chromatography the following cannot be used -
(a) Isocratic development                
(b) Gradient development
(c) Two dimentional development         
(d) Radial development               

Question no.2
The ratio of distance traveled by solute to the reference substance is called -
(a) Rx value      
(b) Rm value             
(c) Rf value                 
(d) Rt value         

Question no.3
The Van-Deempter equation is relationship between HETP and -
(a) Eddy diffusion                                            
(b) Logitudinal diffusion
(c) Non equilibrium in mass transfer terms     
(d) All of the above             

Question no.4
X-ray Diffraction is based on -
(a) Nernst Equation                 
(b) Helmholtz equation 
(c) Arrhenius equation           
(d) Bragg eguation                     

Question no.5
Antacids act by -
(a) Blocking the gastric secretion
(b) By binding with H+K+ ATPase enzyme
(c) Raising the pH of gastric environment
(d) All of the above