GPAT/NIPER Questions & Answers 18th Dec 2018 (Notes) -


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GPAT/NIPER Questions & Answers 18th Dec 2018 (Notes)

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Question no.1
Eugenol on oxidation gives-
(a) Eugenoic acid                   
(b) Cineole           
(c) Vanillin    
(d) Eugenaldehyde   

Question no.2
Alkaloids in Cinchona bark are detected by
(a)Iodine test
(b) Blood red test   
(c) Leibermann-Burchard test       
(d) Messier' s test

Question no.3
Vittae are filled up of -
(a) Tannins                   
(b) Volatile oil                 
(c) Fixed oil             
(d) Aleurone grains       

Question no.4
The main constituent of Jalap resin is -
(a) Convolvulin        
(b) Saponin                   
(c) p-Methyl esculetin               
(d) Jalapin   

Question no.5
Milon's test is used for the identification of -
(a) Glycosides            
(b) Tannins                 
(c) Alkaloids               
(d) Proteins