GPAT/NIPER Questions & Answers 19th Dec 2018 (Notes) -


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GPAT/NIPER Questions & Answers 19th Dec 2018 (Notes)

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Question no.1
Which antihypertensive is a prodrug and is converted to its active form in brain
(a) Clonidine             
(b) Methyl dopa             
(c) Nifedipine             
(d) Nitroprusside     

Question no.2
Spironolactone should be avoided if the patient is already receiving
(a) Furosemide             
(b) Hydrochlorthiazide           
(c) Enalapril             
(d) Verapamil   

Question no.3
Long-term use of which diuretic agent can result in gynaecomastia -
(a) Amiloride               
(b) Spironolactone             
(c) Triamterene           
(d)  Acetazolamide   

Question no.4
Exenatide is a newer drug proposed to be used in the treatment of -
(a) Osteoporosis                               
(b) Diabetes mellitus     
(c) Hyperparathyroidism               
(d) Anovulatory infertility                           

Question no.5
Which of the following is an aromatase inhibitor -
(a) Tamoxifen               
(b) Letrozole                 
(c) Danazol               
(d) Taxane