GPAT/NIPER Questions 2nd Nov 2018 (Notes) -


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GPAT/NIPER Questions 2nd Nov 2018 (Notes)

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Question No.1
Drugs consisting of filthy and putrid substances are called………….
(a) Adulterated           
(b) Mibranded             
(c) Spurious               
(d) Proprietary

Question no.2
Which of the following natural colours can he used in pharmaceutical preparations?
(a) Annatto                 
(b) Cochineal                 
(c) Curcumin                 
(d) All of the above 

Question no.3
The coal tar dye that can be used as colouring agent in pharmaceutical preparations is/are
(a) Quinazarine Green SS                         
(b) Sunset Yellow FCF
(c) Fast Red E                                                 
(d) All of the above 

Question no.4
Drugs which are coloured and coated for other drugs are called
(a) Spurious             
(b) Misbranded             
(c) Adulterated             
(d) Patented

Question no.5
Who among the following is an ex-officio member of DTAB?
(a) President, Pharmacy Council of India             
(b) Government analyst
(c) A teacher in pharmaceutical chemistry             
(d) State Drugs Controller