GPAT/NIPER Questions & Answers 18th Nov 2018 (Notes) -


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GPAT/NIPER Questions & Answers 18th Nov 2018 (Notes)

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Question No.1
Drug used for Alzheimer’s disease acting on NMDA receptor is
(a) Donepezil

Question no.2
Neurochemical abnormality most closely associated with schizophrenia:
(a) Abnormal glycine metabolism
(b) Dopaminergic abnormality
(c) Decreased brain GABA
(d) High levels of CNS VMA

Question no.3
Dryness of mouth caused by antipsychotics due to their-
(a)  Anticholinertic action
(b)  Antiodrenergic action
(c)   Antidopaminergic action
(d)  Antihistaminic action 

Question no.4
Antipyschotic drug-induced Parkinsonism is treated by-
(a) Anticholinergics     
(b) Levodopa
(c) Selegiline                       
(d) Amantadine

Question no.5
Schizophrenia can be treated with all of the following except
(a)  Pemoline     
(b)  Olanzapine
(c)   Sulpiride           
(d)  Chlorpromazine