GPAT/NIPER Questions & Answers 19th Nov 2018 (Notes) -


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GPAT/NIPER Questions & Answers 19th Nov 2018 (Notes)

Monday, November 19, 2018

Question No.1
Disulfiram like reaction is not seen with
(b) Metronidazole

Question no.2
Vasopressin inhibited by
(b) Carbamazepine

Question no.3
Which is not true regarding disulfiram
(a) It irreversibly inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase
(b) It has several active metabolites
(c)It can be given to a patient who has abstained from alcohol for at least 6 hours
(d) Sensitization to alcohol can last as long as 14 days after last intake of disulfiram

Question no.4
The drug antabuse acts by
(a) Decreasing ethanol absorption
(b) Enhancing urinary excretion of ethanol
(c) Increasing pulmonary excretion of ethanol
(d) Blocking metabolism of ethanol       

Question no.5
Administration of disulfiram in an alcoholic can cause all these side effects except
(a) Flushing
(b) Headache
(d) Nausea